Erpisto Marketing & Growth Analytics – Meet Massive Analytics Growth
Marketing Analytics is now mandatory for any business which looks to stay competitive right from the manufacturing to the financial services and marketing analytics. Marketing is especially going through transformation which is certainly away from traditional tactics to data driver and analytics strategies to deliver the measurable results. Erpisto Marketing and growth analytics deliver insights according to the changing competitive dynamics through high level of interest and hype surrounding analytics. Erpisto marketing analytics deliver the market projections and forecasts which helps in providing the different perspective of these markets.
[accordian class=”” id=””] [toggle title=”Marketing: Who to Target with Promotions” open=”yes”][checklist icon=”fa-star-o” circle=”no” size=”small” class=”” id=””] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Who would most likely respond to a promotion on X product[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Who would most likely respond to a promotion on a Combination of Product X and Product Y[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Who would most likely respond to a promotion on slow moving / dead stock[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]How well did promotion A do. (POS / Social)[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Compare promotion X to promotion Y[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]How well did a targeted segment respond to promotion C[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Compare delivery format to results on POS.[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Do we need to increase or decrease communication frequency to Customer Segment 1;2;3 etc.[/li_item][li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]What is the overall volume of communication going out to our customers.[/li_item][/checklist][/toggle] [toggle title=”Growth: Basket Size” open=”no”][checklist icon=”fa-star-o” circle=”no” size=”small” class=”” id=””] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Is the average basket size increasing or decreasing. Year on year; Quarter to Quarter; Month to Month[/li_item][/checklist][/toggle] [toggle title=”Growth: Unique Products” open=”no”][checklist icon=”fa-star-o” circle=”no” size=”small” class=”” id=””] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Is the average NUMBER of UNIQUE products bought increasing slowly or rapidly. Year on year; Quarter to Quarter; Month to Month[/li_item] [/checklist][/toggle] [toggle title=”Growth: Product Categories” open=”no”][checklist icon=”fa-star-o” circle=”no” size=”small” class=”” id=””] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Is the average number of UNIQUE product categories increasing or decreasing. Year on Year; Quarter to Quarter; Month to Month[/li_item] [/checklist][/toggle] [toggle title=”Growth: Product Categories” open=”no”][checklist icon=”fa-star-o” circle=”no” size=”small” class=”” id=””] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Is the average transaction amount increasing/decreasing. Year on year; Quarter to Quarter; Month to Month[/li_item] [/checklist][/toggle] [/accordian]