Although attendance management software is a necessary task but it can be a tedious and time consuming one as well as it requires lot of time to enter the attendance records of each student in the system manually. However best results can be achieved when you make use of a reliable and efficient school management software like Erpisto. Erpisto School Management software let you take all the students currently enrolled in to the software and you just need to add absences and late arrivals to let the system manage the rest for you.
Erpisto provides plenty of attendance management reports which can be used to offer all the attendance records and reports on either a single student or an entire class no matter which one you prefer. Reports generated by Erpisto Attendance Management software provides you with an unlimited attendance history for each and every student so you can easily access the important information according to your need.
Student Attendance through the use of Erpisto Teacher Mobile Edition
Erpisto offers 2 options to make the student attendance. First option is that teacher or operator can use the computer and second option is that each teacher can use his/her smartphone to make use of Erpisto Teacher modules which let the teachers mark their class attendance on the mobile phone.
Get the attendance summary in Result Cards
Erpisto Attendance management system lets you keep record of attendance to provide summary information on different occasions including time of result card printing.
Erpisto Analytical Reports
Erpisto is one of the best school attendance management system with analytics which allows you to checkout different analytical reports including class wise attendance ratio, attendance register and many others.