Erpisto Kitchen Display System (KDS) gives you an option to send the orders automatically to the kitchen which certainly improves the communication from front to back. Establishments and executives can make use of KDS report which saves the time per order and provide fast service to the customers. Erpisto gives you an option to tailor multiple kitchen display stations according to your business needs. Erpisto KDS system replaces the bump bar in old fast food restaurants and offers green environment through the avoidance of paper waste.
Erpisto POS Kitchen Display System Key Features
Bump Capabilities
You can make changes in the priority of orders by moving up to front and back of queue.
Customize your views
You can get customized views to make a perfect interface for your specific needs.
Order Routing
You can easily send items to specific KDS stations by having proper information about where that dish is made in the kitchen.
Erpisto Wi-Fi Management
You have an opportunity to connect and sync various terminals on the Erpisto secured network.
Order Status Tracking
Track and monitor the status of each order with an automatic time counter present in Erpisto POS.
All Day Activities View
Erpisto lets cooks, chefs and other managerial staff view an all-day count of orders to efficiently prepare the dishes.