Accountant Preferences

There are a host of preferences that you can configure for the Accountant module in Erpisto.

  • Go to Settings > Preferences.
  • Select Accountant in the left menu.

On this page, you’ll find the following sections:

Chart of Accounts #

A code allocated to an account in the Chart of Accounts is called an account code. While creating transactions, it can swiftly retrieve accounts inside an organization. In Erpisto, you can use the same or different account codes for all accounts (under Chart of Accounts).

Make account code mandatory

You can choose to make the account code of a new account a mandatory field whenever you establish a new account in the Chart of Accounts.

Unique account code for accounts

When you create a new account in the Chart of Accounts, you may ensure sure the account code is unique and hasn’t been used before.

Vendor Advance

Choose a default account to keep track of your vendor advances.

Recurring Journals #

If you have not enabled recurring journals, you can do it from the General section under preferences.

You can choose how recurring journals are saved after you enable them. Automatically generated recurring journals are created according to a pre-defined schedule. These journal entries can be made in one of two ways:


Journal entries will be saved as drafts. You can review and publish them later.

Journal entries will be created directly in the Published state.

Journal Custom Fields #

You can add multiple custom fields for your journal entries in Erpisto.

  • Go to Settings > Preferences.
  • Select Accountant in the left menu.
  • Click the Journal Custom Fields tab on the top of the page.
  • Click the New Custom Field in the top right corner of the page.

  • Fill in the following details.
Fields Description
Label name Enter a name for your custom field.
Data Type Select the appropriate data type for your custom field.
Is this PII? If the field contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as personal data, then select the appropriate method to store it.
Is Mandatory Select this option if the custom field is mandatory while recording payments.
  • Click Save.

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