Tax Summary Reports

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Tax Summary #

The Tax Summary report summarizes the taxes you’ve charged for the supply of digital services to your customers.

To view the tax summary report:

  • Go to Reports > Tax Summary report.

The overseas tax summary report will contain the details of the:

Category Description
Tax Name The name of the tax that is applied on the sale of digital services.
Taxable Amount The total value of the services offered is taxable.
Tax Amount The value of tax payable on the Taxable Amount.

You can run this report based on the following filters:

Field Description
Date Range Select the time period for which you want to generate the report.
Report Basis Accrual: Values are generated when the transactions are created.

Cash: Values are generated when they receive the cash.

You can download this report by clicking Export As in the top right corner of the page and selecting the file format which you want to download.

You can also print the report by clicking the Print icon on the top right side of the page.

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