Expense Preferences

Let’s look at the various settings you can configure for the Expenses module in Erpisto.

Basic Settings #

To configure your expense preferences:

  • Go to Settings > Preferences.
  • Select Expenses in the left menu.

Associate Users to Expenses #

In Erpisto, users can link expenses to their staff. This will make it easier to keep track of individual employee spending. To use this feature, check the box that says “Associate personnel with expenses.”

When you register an expense in Erpisto, you can choose to associate it with a specific employee. Employees can be added straight from the Employee field.

To view all the expenses associated with different employees:

  • Go to the Reports module in the left sidebar.
  • Select the Expenses by Employee report under Purchases and Expenses.

Mileage Preferences #

In Erpisto, you may specify different mileage rates for different days.

Default Mileage Account
Choose the account which tracks all your mileage expenses.

Default Unit
Choose the default unit for recording the mileage (km or mile).

Mileage Rates

The cost of travel is calculated using mileage rates, which are dependent on the number of kilometres/miles travelled. Different days’ mileage rates can be kept track of. As a result, when you report an expense for that day, the mileage will be applied as well.

By hovering over the mileage rates and clicking the corresponding button, you can Edit or Delete them.

Vehicles #

You can configure different vehicles in Erpisto. Vehicles can be associated with different mileage rates.

  • Go to Settings > Preferences.
  • Select Expenses in the left menu.
  • Select the Vehicle tab at the top of the page.

New Vehicle
You can add a new vehicle in Erpisto. Here’s how:

  • Click the + New Vehicle button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Enter the vehicle name and details.
  • Click Save.

After a vehicle is saved, you can either Edit or Delete it by hovering over it and clicking the appropriate icon.

Every vehicle that you create can be associated with a mileage expense in Erpisto.

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