Manage Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders that you record for your vendors can be filtered and sorted in many ways.

Status of Purchase Order #

A Purchase Order in Erpisto can have any one of the following statuses.

Status Description
Draft Purchase orders when created will be in the Draft status.
Issued Purchase orders once sent to the vendor, will be in the Issued status.
Closed Purchase orders once accepted by a vendor can be converted to a bill and the status will be Closed.
Cancelled If the vendor rejects your purchase order, the order can be cancelled and the status will be Cancelled.
Billed Once the purchase order is converted to a bill, the status will be Billed.

Refresh List #

You can refresh the list of your purchase orders. Here’s how:

  • Go to Purchases > Purchase Orders.
  • Click the Hamburger icon in the top right corner of the page.
  • Click Refresh List.

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